Scarface for MySpace

Scarface Contact Box

Scarface Comment box for MySpace
You cannot link directly to the image, so here are instructions:
  1. Save the image above to your computer.
  2. Upload it to your personal webspace, or, get a free image hosting account at and upload it to there.
  3. Open a new browser window (Control-N) and log into your MySpace account and go to Edit Profile.
  4. Copy/Paste the following code into your About Me section:
  5. Go back to your Photobucket album and copy (Control-C) the address in the url box (or use whatever address where you've uploaded the image to on the web). Do NOT use the code in "Tag" or "Img" boxes or it won't work!
  6. Back in your About Me section, replace http://IMAGE-URL/SFContactMeBox.gif with the correct url of the image by pasting (Control-V) the url from Photobucket.
  7. Preview then Submit, and check your profile to be sure it worked properly.

Get Scarface
Extended Network Graphics for Myspace

MySpace image hosting and photo sharing

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